Friday 6 May 2011

Marketing to Children

"We are coming for your children.."
(Guardian, 2007)

Brassington (2007) states that a reason for targeting and marketing to children is used because business want to cultivate a brand loyalty from as early as possible with the consumer. This technique is apparent with marketing ploys devised at MacDonalds, where Happy Meals are promoted using movies and t.v. shows to encourage sales and growth, by as much as 10% (Burk Wood, M. 2004).

Throughout the year children emplore the use of 'pester power' with their parents, after peer pressure from school and friends, in order to get the latest toy or fad (BBC, 2011). Children are often influencers or co-deciders regarding the purchase of consumable goods, personal products and even vacations (Sharma, R. 2008). Another interesting theory is peer influence creates desires and that in turn leads to selective viewing of commercials and creation of requests (Smith, G. 1997).

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